Dane County Snowmobile Trails to Remain Closed - Cross County Trails in Poor Condition

January 13, 2012
Land And Water Resources Department Darren Marsh, Parks Director 608-224-3730 608-575-5310
Land & Water Resources

Dane County Snowmobile and Ski Trails

All Dane County Snowmobile Trails will remain closed until there is additional snowfall.  Many open areas have been wind swept and have minimal-to-no snow cover.  County ski trails are reported to be in poor condition, with many bare spots and icy conditions in wooded areas.  

Dane County snowmobilers will need to wait for additional snowfall before the snowmobile trails will be opened, stated Parks Director Darren Marsh.  Snowfall reports vary around the county from 3-5 inches of snow.  Many of the open areas have been wind swept, leaving little-to-no snow.  Marsh said trails would remain closed until conditions improve.  There must be at least a 6” snow based over the trails and steady below freezing temperatures.  Marsh also noted the recent snowmobiling incident on Lake Koshkonong where three snowmobilers broke through thin ice.  Riders must use caution around any waterbody and not venture out on the ice until they are confident of ice conditions.

Park staff report that all of the designated County ski trails are in poor condition.  Open trails have been blown clear of snow with many skiers removing their skies and walking trail sections. Trails are also reported icy at the popular Indian Lake County Park, causing problems for many skiers.  It appears the ground was not frozen at the surface and melted the snowfall from the bottom up forming a solid ice surface along the trail base, added Marsh.  When this type of icy situation occurs under the snow cover even the trail grooming equipment has difficulty maneuvering.  Additional snowfall is needed to improve trail conditions. 

For up-to-date trail conditions, you may call our 24/7 Trails Information line at (608) 242-4576 or visit our website at http://www.countyofdane.com/lwrd/parks/.